Last Blog Post!
On Monday, Dr. Josh Schwartz came and spoke to our Nanoscience class about the development of preclinical cellular models of syndromic Autisms Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in regards to nano-electrode arrays. Dr. Schwartz is from around my same hometown so it was interesting to see someone who came from the same place go and do different things. This was a very fascinating and dense in information talk so I will just be focusing on the things that I found especially interesting. Perhaps the most interesting point was that a lot of the mutations in genes occur in synaptic genes. Synapses are where two nerve cells meet and are correlated to a lot of important developmental factors. In general psychology classes, one of the first things discussed is the anatomy of the brain: the different cortexes, the spinal cord, and neurons. One of the second things learned is how important neural health is especially in development. We learn how children who have less physical contact with their m